Temporary limitations due to the pandemic
IMPORTANT: Change of the venue: The 40th anniversary of CFT will take place at Barnabite Conference Centre, ul. Smoluchowskiego 1
General info
The Center for Theoretical Physics (CFT) of the Polish Academy of Sciences was founded in 1980 with the mission of creating the leading centre for theoretical physics in Poland.
During the meeting, we will present current research conducted at CFT and at leading research centers with which we have collaborated for many years.
Conference will be open without registration fee.
The event will be accompanied by a special public lecture given in the Barnabite Conference Centre.
The conference is financed under contract DNK/SP/468531/2020 from the resources of Ministry of Science and Higher Education supporting activities of science dissemination.
Special online lecture of Prof. Artur Ekert
Tuesday, August 31, 8pm
Link: https://youtu.be/Z_tLCFmD8VU
The conference will be streamed on youtube (the same link as the special lecture)
Link: https://youtu.be/Z_tLCFmD8VU
Important dates
April 2021Final list of invited speakers
August 10th 2021Abstract submission deadline (posters and talks)
August 15th 2021Confirmation of acceptance of posters
Other events
5-11 September 2021Quantum Optics X